In order to be considered for the program, students must meet achieve eligibility criteria in addition to the acceptance criteria of a partner school. Since achieve is a four-year high school program, the application procedure begins when a student is an 8th grader. All students must be nominated for achieve by their middle school principal/counselor or a special program director.
Please review the entire application process.
Application Process:
Step 1 - Meet Eligibility Requirements
All students need to meet achieve eligibility requirements.Step 2 - Apply to a Partner School
In the fall of your 8th grade year, apply to a partner high school.Step 3 - Submit Online Application
Parent/student must complete and submit online application to achieve.Step 4 - Apply for Financial Aid
File for Financial aid directly to the achieve partner school to which you are applying.Step 5 - Meet with achieve
Finalists and their parents are interviewed by an achieve panel.
Go to Step 1 - Meet Eligibility Requirements |