Students and their families must meet the eligibility requirements below in order to be considered for the program. Student and family should attend Open House or tour the school, and it is recommended that the student complete a Shadow visit at the school.
Eligibility Criteria
- 8th grader applying to a partner high school
achieve only accepts students who can participate in all four years of the program at one of our four partner schools.
- Have a minimum cumulative 7th-8th grade GPA of 3.0
Although the majority of achieve students far exceed this requirement, the selection for the program is based on the total individual.
- Possess leadership potential and a strong motivation to excel
achieve seeks out motivated students who are willing to put in the extra time and effort needed to be a part of the total program for four years.
- Family must demonstrate and document financial need
achieve serves low-income, underserved families who otherwise could not afford to send their children to private schools. While achieve provides a four-year scholarship, students must apply for financial aid each year. All families must make some contribution toward tuition.
- Student should be a first generation college student.
First generation students are defined as students whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) do not have a four-year college degree.
- Student must be a Legal Resident or U.S. Citizen.
Go to Step 2 - Apply to a Partner School |