Angel Benjamin ‘19
achieve has not only helped me to have so many new privileges, experiences and opportunities I never dreamed of having, but the people there are making sure that I am the best I can be, and that I can succeed in whatever I try to do in life.”

Melissa Cervantes ‘17
“The greatest impact the achieve Program has had on my life is that it has helped me step out of my comfort zone and try new and challenging things that I never thought I would be able to do.”

Jolly Curameng ‘19
“As an incoming 9th grader, the summer school program really helped me to prepare for the upcoming school year. During the summer program, I was taught various reading and writing techniques, given an interesting and fun academic experience, and made new friends”

Fernando Delgado ‘18
“The achieve program taught me that giving back is and should be a part of your life. If you do not give back, then you may never receive the truly valuable things in life, such as happiness and fulfillment.”

Gaby Nunez ‘17
"achieve has taught me that giving back and helping other is something you should do all of your life. It gives you a feeling of happiness when you see others smile and hearing that your actions have benefited the people in your community."
Javier Garay
Javier Garay ‘17
"The achieve summer experiences have really helped me by keeping me productive during a time of year when it’s easy not to be, and by creating positive learning habits that will not only help me in school, but in the real world as well.”

Marah Trujillo ‘17
achieve has had a huge impact in my life. One of the biggest things it has helped me with is stepping out of my comfort zone and doing things that I never thought I could do.”

Jose Rico ‘18
achieve taught me to help others and to see others as equals, no matter what their circumstances or condition might be.”
Alumni Reflections

Brittney Deweaver ‘16
The college counseling programs have helped me start to carve out what I want from a school. I learned that I want to go to a small school with a small ratio of staff to students. This way I get more help and have a better chance to succeed in college.
Berenice Fuentes ‘16
From the cultural experiences, I have learned that there is so much more in life than television and technology. I have gained the experience of being more aware of what culture experiences and events can bring to your life.
Jocelyn Ho ‘16
achieve has made me a better person. It has helped me learn to take risks and work harder. I have learned that no mater where you go, dress neatly and be on time.
Salvador Alvarez ‘15
I have gained a much broader knowledge base on the business world and have had hands on experience with major workplaces in San Francisco such as PG&E and the Exploratorium.
Channel Erdenebayar ‘15
We receive so much without realizing how lucky we are. achieve has taught me to be more appreciative of the many valuable things I have and to express our gratitude by giving back.
Gabriel Escobar ‘15
achieve has given me a second family and I have learned so much from the all the different experiences from the college tour to the cultural events. The friendships we build are truly amazing.
Mireya Napoles ‘15
achieve has taught me that service is about being selfless.
Daisy Rangel ‘15
The Summer Internships have helped me explore possible career paths. Not only that, but I have gained so much experience in creating a resume, interview experience, as well as life skills.
Jennifer Vazquez ‘15
achieve has taught me a lot these past few years. I have learned many new things not only form guest speakers but also the many cultural events that we attend. What I love the most is all the support and love we receive from our achieve family.
Kenya Dumetz II ‘14
I really enjoyed the achieve College Tour my junior year because it was a time to learn about colleges and bond with my Achieve peers.
Sherman Feng ‘14
achieve provided me the support, tools and confidence to turn impossibilities to possibilities.
Natalie Galvan ‘14
The summer experiences have helped me be a more independent responsible and courageous person. I now know the City like the back of my hand and I am not afraid to take chances now.
Gerardo Juarez ‘14
The greatest impact that achieve has had on my life is that they believe in me, that I can succeed. This motivates and encourages me to do my best, excel and achieve.
Esther Lee ‘14
I have learned that everything that you do and the decisions you make require taking positive risks.
Laila Mufty ‘14
achieve has taught me that although I am a small part of a large picture. I can still make a difference. Through the achieve Program I have been able to give back to my community and enjoy the experience.
Leslie Vicente ‘14
achieve has helped me develop a passion for helping others and it has let me appreciate what I have rather than always want more.
Ruben Aguayo ‘13
What I like best about the achieve program is the different activities and cultural experiences we share with each other, and all the wonderful help that we receive from the achieve mentors, that help us to stay in track and continue to succeed.
Gabriela Colmenares ‘13
What I like best about the achieve Program is that they keep me on top of my school work, and from the first day, work to prepare me for college.
Luana Deng ‘13
achieve has taught me to believe and succeed in everything and anything. achieve pushes and pushes you to reach all of your goals until one day you look back and smile at your accomplishments.
Christina Li ‘13
achieve has taught me many values of giving back to my community, which has been a new experience for me and it has been truly rewarding.
Van Joseph Macasaet ‘13
achieve has taught me that there are countless people in need. It makes me realize that my life is very fortunate and, I would be glad to lend a helping hand to those who need it the most.
Jorge Navarro ‘13
achieve has taught me the importance of being selfless, connecting with others from various backgrounds, and the importance of making change happen by being an active member of my community.

Sara Sologaistoa ‘13
achieve has taught me that no matter what, if you try hard and give your best, opportunities will always be there for you.
Jennifer Urdaneta '13
I was really amazed when I realized that the achieve Program not only helps us financially, but they really do care about all of us. achieve has taught me that even though I do not have a lot of money, I can help my community in so many other ways.
Ian David ‘12
The greatest impact achieve has had on my life so far is knowing that I have a second family that loves and cares for me.

Issam Hamdallah ‘12
achieve has given me everything I need to succeed in life. They have given me a second family that I know I can always count on for support.
Analis Ibarra ‘12
achieve has taught me that helping others is not only a great way to give back to our community but also our duty as people. I have learned that being able to help others is very satisfying and rewarding.
Angela McNeal ‘12
One thing achieve has definitely taught me is how to explore the many college options available. I had already made up my mind on a certain college because I heard about it, but achieve has helped me to broaden my horizons. I now know that I will pick a college based on MY interests and needs, not on status.
Damien Scobie ‘12
achieve has taught me so much about giving back to the community. I have always liked seeing other people happy but I thought that in order to do that I would have to do something really big. But now I know that it does not matter if what I do is big or small, there is someone who will appreciate it.
Ashley De Motto‘11
The summer experiences have helped me to realize that I can do whatever I want if I set my mind to it. I never thought that as a freshwoman, I would do cancer research experiments with doctors and be rewarded with knowing that my dad, who died of cancer, would be very proud.
Andres Quesada-Galvan ‘11
The greatest impact that achieve has had on my life is the fact that they had confidence in me, and with that confidence, I feel like I can accomplish anything.

Monica Marquez ‘11
My goal in life is to become a nurse and having my achieve summer internship at a hospital gave me the opportunity for a real experience working in a hospital and in a clinic with real patients.
Katia Garcia ‘10
The best thing about being in achieve is that we have someone other than our parents to go to for help. Achieve is like one loving family.
Theresa Hartwell ‘10
achieve is like an extra parent. It keeps you on top of your school business and pushes you to your potential.
Gladys Martinez ‘10
What I find most helpful about achieve is that I always have someone at my back, pushing me towards the edge of a cliff. So far, I'm almost able to fly off that cliff with the help of achieve.
Alyssia Smith ‘09
I like the fact that achieve gives young minorities a chance to succeed in life and beat the odds.
Fernando Delgado ‘09
achieve is a family that I can look to for companionship, advice, support and love.
Erika Rosas ‘09
The best part of being in achieve is that it helps us become aware of our strengths and capabilities—but not only that, we learn how to use our strengths to help ourselves and to help others.
Martin Marquez ‘09
I truly feel that achieve is a family--- my family. I can always talk to my achieve brothers and moderators because I know that they are there for me and they are there to listen to what I have to say.
Eia Gardner ‘09
achieve has instilled in me characteristics that I will need in the future: to speak up for myself, to stand up for what is right, to accept change, and to be bold in every situation that I face.
Elizabeth Abundis ‘08
achieve has made me more confident and taught me the importance of finding a passion. How beautiful and fulfilling it is to do what you love!
Valeria Navea ‘08
achieve has taught me to always try my best and to truly believe in myself. When others see that confidence, they too will believe in you.
Mia Henderson-Bonilla ‘08
The most helpful thing about being in achieve is the sense of a community. At the beginning of freshman year, everyone is new, then by senior year everyone has created a bond that makes the achieve community so strong.

Chiandra Lewis ‘08
I think the one particular thing I have gained from my achieve experience that will help me most in the future is knowing that it feels good to give back.

Michael Lech ‘08
The single most life-changing experience that I have had since being in achieve is knowing that I can succeed if I set my mind to it.
Alberto Martinez ‘08
Overall, I think the best thing about being in achieve is becoming a part of a new family and having new brothers and sisters.
Mirasol Moncada ‘08
achieve motivates me to reach my academic potential by providing me with solutions to my problems and having unending faith in me.
Johanna Vargas ‘07
Confidence in myself has been the most valuable gift the achieve experience has given me. The belief in myself that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to will help me do my best in life.
Dani Erves ‘07
Being in achieve has given my future a jumpstart and the tools I need to succeed.
Karen Gonzalez ‘07
The achieve cultural events have helped me to realize that there is a whole world out there to discover beyond the comfort of my home.
Rosi Rodriquez ‘06
achieve has challenged me to reach my full potential of being a bright, altruistic, competent young Mexican American woman.

Rosa Magana ‘06
achieve has served as a substitute parent and mentor, introducing me to the theater, art, community service, and possible careers. It has expanded my knowledge of the possibilities and options that are out there.

Diana Perez ’05
The achieve staff really does care about each student — not only while you are in high school, but beyond. They give you the support to insure that the success you had in high school will continue through college.
Devon Burnett ’05
Being a part of achieve helped me improve my communication and people skills. I learned the importance of networking, staying in touch, and to always make a great first impression.
Ryan Sims ‘03
The best thing about achieve is the mentality that everyone will succeed. If you WILL yourself to succeed then you WILL.

Jeremy Konaris ‘02

Going to museums and plays with achieve broadened me culturally. Socially it helped me because most people assume that I just like sports and music, but find it surprising that I appreciate different things.