Asked Questions
How many students are currently being served?
Over 80 students at four schools (Archbishop Riordan
High School and Mercy High School in San Francisco, Holy Names
in Oakland, and St. Joseph's Notre Dame High School in Alameda).
What kind of students are you looking for?
Aside from documented financial need and excellent grades (minimum 3.0 GPA), the main criterion for selection
is extraordinary motivation. achieve students
must be willing to put in the enormous time and effort required to
their destinies. The majority of students in our program will be first-generation college students.
What kind of financial/family information does achieve
We need information pertaining to gross family income, number of people
in the household, and any extenuating circumstances that would affect
the family’s ability to pay tuition. Generally we are looking
for families that meet the government definition of poverty or low income.
Only students who complete the high school financial aid process
will be considered for the achieve program.
What is the expectation of the financial responsibility
of the family?
Every family is expected to make a financial contribution toward tuition.
This contribution is calculated on a sliding scale as determined by
the financial aid report and information gathered through interviews.
What is the interview process?
Parents and students are interviewed by Mrs. Bakar,
an achieve staff member and a representative
from the partner school.